I've been called many things: apostle, whore, lover, preacher, mad-woman, sister, follower, wife. Fact or fiction, myth or reality--judge for yourself. All that really matters is that that I once loved a healer and a teacher, God and man, a crucified and resurrected peace-maker and rabble rouser. This is my story.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Friday Five

The lovely women over at Revgalblogpals have a weekly feature--the Friday Five. I thought, since I'm new to this whole blogging world, I'd give it a go.

1. When was your last, or will be your next, out of town travel?
Not too long ago I came from the Galilee down to Jerusalem, and I'm staying here for the time being. But I'm a traveling preacher, so I expect that I'll hit the road before too long. I hear France is nice and I've never been that far, so maybe after my work gets wrapped up in this region, I'll head there for a bit.

2. Long car trips: love or loathe?
I've not ever done a long car trip, but let me just say--long camel trips--not my thing. Camels are mean and they spit and they're not at all comfortable. That said, they can go for a long time and that comes in handy when you've got to make long distances.

3. Do you prefer to be driver or passenger?
Driver. Always the driver. (Unless Joshua is in charge of the travel arrangements. He's really quite good at keeping the camels happy and on track and getting them to move quickly.)

4. If passenger, would you rather pass the time with handwork, conversing, reading, listening to music, or ???
It depends who's traveling with me. Some of my close friends--Joshua (you all call him Jesus), Peter, Joanna--they're great to chat with. But sometimes music is good too.

5. Are you going, or have you ever gone, on a RevGals BE? Happiest memories of the former, and/or most anticipated pleasures of the latter?
I haven't, but is sure looks like fun. I don't get seasick, which is a plus. I love the water. I come from a fishing village and have been on boats for as long as I can remember.

6. Bonus: a favorite piece of road trip music.
Well, I posted something I found the other day on an earlier blog: the Ballad of Mary Magdalen, which you can find here . But for travel, I really like REM. Here's a favorite:

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